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FAQs about Quakers
This description of Quakers best describes the branch of Quakers, like Heartland, associated with Friends General Conference. Some other Quaker branches more closely resemble other Protestant denominations.
Let Your Heart Sing: How Spirit Moves Through Music
A QuakerSpeak video published on May 14, 2015. Do Quakers sing in worship? These Quakers do! Laura Dungan and Aaron Fowler, members of Heartland Friends Meeting in Wichita, Kansas talk music, Spirit, and a sound so low the human ear can't perceive it.
Laura & Aaron in song: How Can I Keep from Singing?
QuakerSpeak is a series of short videos puslished by Friends Journal that explore a wide variety of Friendly topics and concerns. Find them at Each month Heartland Friends view a QuakerSpeak video during one of our adult education hours and enjoy being led into discussion by the video.
Here is an introductory QuakerSpeak: Why I Am a Quaker - YouTube